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Sunday, March 23, 2014

The Thirsty

Says the God that yells to the man senseless in the desert. "Come for there is water for those who are thirsty!" The man senseless in the desert dismisses the gentle words of the kind figure and walks in the same circle his father and his fathers father have walked. Till his feet bleed and his eyes dry up the man wil continue to find his own way. Another man who bears the sins of his fathers tainted blood walks through the barren and scalding valley. His path is filled with pain and suffering. And with no more will to live the man falls onto the magma of the burning sand. The figure standing by the well rushes to him and picks him up in his firmly gentle arms. There the man gave him water of the purest kind. Once the man was no longer thirsty he did not stand up and walk out of the tent, but lay down in awe of the unconditional kindness of the figure. 
Greater is the grief for he who drinks but does not thirst then he who thirsts but does not drink. 

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