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Sunday, February 16, 2014

Part 1: Yahweh The Only

Is it wierd to say Im homesick of a place I've never visited? Over the past couple months of given my life to Christ and as I'm beggining to see a pattern. In a almost symetrical and perfect order I discoverd the 3 sections the bible is cut into. Of course no scholar or pastor will tell you this, but from personal expeirience I believe it to be true.

Week 1: Yahweh: the God of the Old testement
         -When I was first converted I began in chronology of the word. i started with the God of the old testement Yahweh, The great I am, the way the bible describes this invisible God was enough to attract my attention. And how he was the first Monotheistic God that other nations feared! Im serious pay attention; When Joshua came upon Jericho the people feared the Isrealites simply beacause they heard what happened at the Red sea. The sheer power and authority. No other god in fiction spoke of himself the way he did. Power, real power. A voice that beant reality, and breath that scorched mountains. He was not the same. He was unique, and he above all elese stood out like a beacon of light a midst the darkness of human pride.

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