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Sunday, February 16, 2014

Me On the Concept of Heaven

Me on the concept of Heaven
                  - Nathan Maciel
Heaven is something quite interesting isn’t it?

How can something so far away feel so close?

Why does the simple thought of consummation tremble within me?

Why does my home feel so close yet eons away?

Through time, and space it speaks to me.

Through faithful words it declares to me

like a mother calling her child home, I too hear its voice.

When my boat lands on that beach.

The shores of time and glory.

No words on this page can describe that emotion.

The breath of Air celestial.

The sight I see miraculous.

And the life I see behind…finished.

Maybe I won’t know I’m was.

Maybe It will all seem Like a dream.

The passed life fading away like salt in water.

As I look to my loved ones I will not see their failures and 

Or their rights, and works. 

But them.

There in that place I will rediscover people I always knew.

Unraveling the world together.

Peeling pack the hollow shell we once were and reveling what we 
never were.

Discovering the one we never knew.

Seeing his face finally in that place of mystery.

When I look into his eyes.

I will see all I wanted to hear.

And smell all I wanted to see.

Every day we will walk among the skies he created.

Breathed the air he breathed.

Walk the steps he paved.

Every day we will see the time pass and It will mean nothing to 

Countless Ages we will spend together.

I will know him as much as he knew me.

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