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Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Ehyeh asher ehyeh

"I am that I am" or in Hebrew "Ehyeh asher ehyeh" "I will be that I will be"
This claim sticks with me for some reason. maybe it's the attractive wordings that the verse has. Or the verbal beauty of the Hebrew language, but none the less it makes the hairs on my neck stand up. The God of the entire universe.

the cell
the eye

The most powerful and the only entity in the universe looks upon us in all his beauty.

He who crafted the snowflakeswith his steady hand

Or shook the earth to tremble it's foundations.

Scatter the stars like paint on a canvas,

and yet...

he looks at you with a eye of an artist.

seeing your faults and chaotic mind.

And shaping his already beautiful creation to what he sees.

Creating chaos out of chaotic order.

Look to the trees!

All unified by one root yet chaos unites them!

He is! He was! He always will be...

The Alpha and the Omega...

The only thing at the beggining of the journey

And also the one who greets you at your end.

The same God who was there in the beggining is the same God who always will be.

All creation!

Every plant that sprouts, every lion that roars, every bird that sings, every moutain that trembles, every snowflake that falls, every eye that sees.




And at the end of all things when the moutains crumble into the sea, and the moon is the only light we see

He'll be there

And the author of Creation, Salvation, and Connsumation will say those 3 words;

Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh 

I am that I am...

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